The Portuguese cuisine, although it is restricted to a relatively small geographic area, shows Mediterranean influences (including the so-called "Mediterranean diet") and Atlantic, as is visible in the amount of fish consumed traditionally.
Much has changed since Estrabão referred to the Portuguese as a people that fed on acorns. The basis of Mediterranean cuisine, based on the trilogy of bread, wine and oil, repeated throughout the Portuguese territory, adding the vegetables you like in a variety of soups, and fresh fruit. The meat and offal, especially pork, also comprise a set of dishes and regional delicacies, which stood out the hams and sausages. With the advent of the maritime discoveries, the Portuguese cuisine quickly integrated the use, sometimes almost too much, spices and sugar, and other products, such as beans and potatoes, which were adopted as core products.
Note that the variety of regional dishes true even in restricted areas. Two neighboring cities can provide, under the same name, food that can differ considerably in the manner of construction, even sharing the same basic recipe.
Generalizations are not always correct, the various regional cuisines very much in the same region.
Bean Soup |
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